25. July / 21:30h

Zvjezdan Ružić: Pianotron

Innovative Croatian pianist Zvjezdan Ružić presented his newest project Pianotron to Šibenik at Barone Fortress. The project reveals a combination of acoustic and electronic sounds, concert piano, and the Mellotron, both classical sounds and modern approaches, a simplicity in music, and complexity in performance.

With his right hand on the piano and his left hand on the keyboards made famous by The Beatles, Ružić creates compositions inspired by Croatian culture and landscapes, describing his own sense of the world that shaped him into the artist he is today.

This five-time Porin award winner has authored three albums, two of which were awarded Porins for best jazz songs, The Knightingale Cabaret and Elfin Farewell. His third album attained its initial promotion in Shanghai and won two Porins: for best jazz album and best jazz song.

However, Ružić himself describes precisely Pianotron as his greatest life challenge. The audience responses from his appearances so far have proved he mastered it successfully.

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Dragi posjetitelji,

u utorak 16. i u srijedu 17. srpnja, Tvrđava sv. Mihovila otvorena je do 19 sati. Hvala na razumijevanju!


Dear visitors,

on Tuesday, July 16th and on Wednesday, July 17th, St. Michael's Fortress will be open until 7 PM. Thank you for your understanding!